Veemarktstraat 40
4811 ZG Breda
Tel nr: 076 - 514 54 91
In first looking at Kristin Schnell’s stunning ode to the natural world, told through color, form, and bird, it took me a minute to understand the process of creating art in collaboration with a living creature. Inspired by the beauty of stained glass windows she experienced as a child in church windows, she developed a sensitivity to the movement of the sun, the changing color casts, and ideas of chance and spirituality.
Her work is, in fact, an altar of sorts, devoted to the beauty and fragility of the avian world, accompanied by colorful sets that she builds and paints herself.
German photographer Kristin Schnell presents birds in captivity as a symbol of the cage that humans tend to put themselves in. Her photos have been widely published and exhibited internationally.